Prolong the lifespan of your Le Nouveau Chef workwear

Prolong the lifespan of your Le Nouveau Chef workwear

By following these washing tips, you can maintain the quality and prolong the lifespan of your Le Nouveau Chef workwear. It may take a little extra effort to properly care for your Le Nouveau Chef clothes, but the results are guaranteed to be worth it.

Le Nouveau Chef works with European fabric suppliers who understand our requirements for sustainability and durability. Before adding materials to our collection, we test and wash them thoroughly to ensure that they meet our quality standards. When investing in high-quality work clothes, you want them to last as long as possible. That's why we've put together some simple tips to help protect and prolong the lifespan of your garments.

Washing instructions
We advise you to follow these washing instructions to ensure the life and performance of your garment:

  • Before use: The garment needs to be washed before use at 30°C on a short program with a small amount of washing powder.
  • General instructions: The garment is provided with a label with washing instructions and washing instructions symbols. Please follow these instructions carefully. Do not overload the washing machine for the best result.
  • Coloured clothing: Make sure you separate white and coloured clothing. Please use laundry detergent especially for coloured clothing.
  • Clothes with a zipper: Turn the jacket inside out before washing and close the zipper. This prevents damage by/to the zipper. When this instruction is not followed, the warranty on the zipper will expire.
  • Highly contaminated clothing: Macerate your highly contaminated white clothing in Biotex for a night and then run a prewash + normal washing program on 40°C or 60°C. To remove grease stains, use a low temperature program and a high temperature program for fruit and vegetables stains. Use of chlorinated detergents will shorten the life of the garment and affect the colour of the fabric.

Washing white clothes
In the case of white workwear, avoid washing white clothes with detergents or softeners that contain optical brighteners such as bleach or chlorine, as these chemicals can damage the fabric fibres and remove white dye. Instead, add 1/2-1 cup of distilled vinegar to the softener dispenser in your washing machine to ensure that all detergent is washed away from the garments and to get a natural bleaching and softening effect. Remember to always check the care label washing instructions for your specific garment.